Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1374 items found
A couple standing in front of a car with open liftgate

EV Buying Guide

Information on how to choose the right electric vehicle including considerations such as range, charging, and performance of EVs in cold weather.
Got Science? The Podcast - Jon Trapp

Trial By Fire

Forest firefighter and conservation biologist Jon Trapp talks about analyzing wildfires, close calls with endangered wolves, and the urgency of global warming.
An EPA scientist does lab work.

Getting Science Back on Track

The latest Union of Concerned Scientists survey of federal scientists shows the powerful, positive effects of strengthening scientific integrity policies under President Biden.
A still from the video Federal Scientists Survey: Getting Science Back on Track in the Biden Administration (2023).

Federal Scientists Survey 2023

The latest Union of Concerned Scientists survey of federal scientists shows the powerful, positive effects of strengthening scientific integrity policies under President Biden.
Got Science? The Podcast - Naomi Oreskes

Trust But Verify

Science Historian Naomi Oreskes explains why science's social character makes it trustworthy, and what we can learn from science's past.
Case Study
A map of ethylene oxide-emitting facilities in Grand Prairie, Texas.


Two sterilizers—Sterigenics and Cosmed of Texas—are located less than a mile apart in Grand Prairie, Texas, roughly 25 miles east of Fort Worth.
Case Study
A map of ethylene oxide-emitting facilities in Memphis, Tennessee.

Memphis, Tennessee

Tennessee has two commercial sterilizer facilities that emit ethylene oxide (EtO), Sterilization Services of Tennessee in Memphis and DeRoyal Industries/Royal Sterilization in New Tazewell.
Case Study
A map of ethylene oxide-emitting facilities in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

The commonwealth of Puerto Rico bears a disproportionate burden of ethylene oxide (EtO) pollution from commercial sterilizer facilities.

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