Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1374 items found
This is Science With Jess Phoenix Episode 3: To Hell and Back

To Hell and Back

Jess investigates what connects salamanders, organizing, and fracking via a conversation with Annie Roth and Justin Grubb.
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 2: Making Waves

Making Waves

Jess is joined by Amani Webber-Schultz and Jaida Elcock, shark scientists and co-founders of the nonprofit organization Minorities In Shark Sciences.
Farmworkers carrying strawberries

Investing in US Farmworker Health

The people whose work puts food on our tables face a variety of hazards in their jobs, but research that would help protect their health is severely underfunded by the US government.
Reaching 100% renewables

Lean, Clean, Green Machines

Community organizer Bridget Vial and energy analyst Paula Garcia discuss how some states can reach an equitable transition to 100% clean energy by 2035.

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