All reports
Protecting the Food Supply in an Era of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Crops
A 2004 report analyzing how to protect our food supply from unwanted contamination by pharma crops.
Increasing the Texas Renewable Energy Standard
The Texas RPS is one of the most effective and successful in the nation. It could be even better.
Survey: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Scientists
Political interference in science threatens our nation's prosperity, research capacity, and leadership within the global scientific community.
Automaker Rankings '04
Honda continues to be the Greenest Automaker—but all automakers can improve.
Genetically Engineered Crops & Pesticide Use
The Union of Concerned Scientists works to strengthen the federal oversight needed to prevent genetically engineered crops from contaminating our food supply.
Clearing the Air in the San Joaquin Valley
Poor air quality is affecting the region's residents, public health, and the economy. Without further action, the problem will only get worse.
Gone to Seed
Contamination of non-GE crops with DNA from genetically engineered crops is widespread, and federal standards need to be updated to protect our seed supply.
Impacts of a Terrorist Attack at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
Since 9/11, the specter of a terrorist attack at the Indian Point nuclear power plant, thirty-five miles upwind from midtown Manhattan, has caused great concern for residents of the New York metropolitan area.
The Colorado Renewable Energy Standard Ballot Initiative
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) analyzed the costs and benefits of the renewable energy standard as written in Colorado's Amendment 37.
Sick of Soot
The Union of Concerned Scientists promotes a cleanup strategy for diesel vehicles that includes strict emission standards, incentives for cleaning up existing engines, and replacing or retrofitting older school buses.
A Military Intelligence Failure?
UCS is working for a safer world by eliminating risks of nuclear arsenals and nuclear terrorism, improving nuclear plant safety, preventing deployment of anti-satellite and space-based weapons, and enhancing international dialogue on security issues.
Experimental Power Uprates at Boiling Water Reactors
Extended Power Uprate (EPU) allows aging nuclear plants to operate at power levels up to 20 percent higher than the plant's originally licensed level.