What's in Space?

All you ever needed to know about satellites, including their types, orbits, countries, and debris

Published May 21, 2005 Updated May 17, 2006


There are more than 800 active satellites currently in orbit. They represent four percent of the total number of objects currently cataloged by the U.S. space surveillance network; the rest includes abandoned satellites, spent rocket boosters, and other debris.

The United States owns more than 400 active satellites, just over 50 percent of all satellites. Russia and China have the second and third highest number of space assets, owning 89 and 35 satellites, respectively.

Civilian satellites, which perform tasks for the commercial, scientific, and government sectors, make up the majority of U.S. satellites. Russia's space assets are split nearly evenly between military and civil missions, though there are not separate military and civilian space programs. Only a very small percentage of other countries' satellites are military in nature.

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