Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1374 items found
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 19: The State of the Science

The State of the Science

Dr. Mindy Romero, founder of the Center for Inclusive Democracy at the University of Southern California, talks with Jess about election science.
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 17: Look for the Helpers - Part 2

Look For The Helpers – Part 2

In the second part of this special Clean Transportation mini-series Jess visits the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project to talk with co-founder and co-director Ms. Margaret Gordon.
A figure labeled "Generation Failures by Fules Type During Five Extreme Winter Storms" showing that gas plants accounted for most of the failed capacity in five recent extreme winter weather events.

Gas Malfunction

The United States is overly reliant on gas plants—and extreme weather is causing them to fail at alarming rates.
This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 16: The Highest Stakes

The Highest Stakes

Jess catches up with lawyer and climate negotiator Hafij Khan about the critical Loss and Damage fund and this year's conference.
2023 Science Defenders

2023 UCS Science Defenders

The 2023 UCS Science Defenders share a special commitment to leverage science to help their communities. We are so pleased to introduce them, and their great work.
Three panelists lined up at SACNAS.

UCS JEDI Report 2023

This document summarizes the past year of efforts by staff and board members to transform UCS into an anti-racist organization.

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