Reports & Multimedia

Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.

1374 items found
Department of Defense illustration of a hypersonic test vehicle

Slowing the Hypersonic Arms Race

Hypersonic weapons are named after a specific velocity regime—five times the speed of sound or greater. But this nomenclature is misleading, as these flight speeds are nothing new.
Coal plant

Support Coal Workers

Analysis finds it is possible to support coal workers in the clean energy transition and that these comprehensive policies are affordable.
Photo of presidential candidate Joe Biden sitting with a mask on and a flag-like red and white background

Biden Science Tracker

President Biden promised to make stronger federal science a priority for his administration. How well is the administration performing in turning this promise into action?
Large farm field in Polk County, Iowa

Losing Ground

Farmland consolidation—the trend toward fewer, bigger farms—has been accompanied by social and economic consequences that threaten the long-term health of farm communities.

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