On July 28, 2004, an exceptional group of leaders from labor, government, business, and the environmental community came together to call for a national investment in and commitment to a clean-energy economy—an economy that will preserve and expand high-quality, U.S.-based jobs, reduce our dependence on oil, and work to slow global warming. In front of a lively audience of 600 people gathered in downtown Boston, these leaders called for the unleashing of U.S. innovation that will drive the "new energy" economy we know is critical to our future.
The event succeeded in raising the visibility and level of understanding of the argument that investing in clean energy technologies is critical not only to creating good jobs—jobs that cannot be outsourced—but also to improving public health and the environment. In the following pages, you will read excerpts of the compelling remarks made by event participants—remarks we hope will be echoed throughout the national conversation this year and beyond.
As these speakers suggest, the new energy economy is about jobs, it is about national security, it is about public health, and it is about the future of the planet we leave for our children. Our hope is that this event and the ensuing national conversation will inspire national action.