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Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
What do the findings of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report on the impacts global warming say about the Arctic region?
UCS Examines 'The Skeptical Environmentalist'
Review of "The Skeptical Environmentalist" a book by Bjorn Lombord, that claims global warming is exaggerated.
Arctic and Antarctic Warming
To reduce the threat of global warming and protect the health and economic well-being of future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases.
How Hydrokinetic Energy Works
How Hydrokinetic Energy Works, part of the energy 101 series. An introduction to the resource and the technologies that turn the motion of water into electricity.
A Brief History of Reprocessing and Cleanup in West Valley, NY
Fact sheet on West Valley, New York commercial reprocessing plant.
Existing Cap-and-Trade Programs to Cut Global Warming Emissions
Existing and cap-and-trade programs in the European Union and Northeastern and Western United States provide important lessons about the need for robust design features.
Buy Green Power
Innovative programs around the country now make it possible for all environmentally conscious energy consumers to support renewable energy directly by participating in the "green" power market.
A Short History of Energy
The UCS Energy Program is working to help the United States move toward a greater reliance on energy from the wind, the sun, plants, and other safe, clean, renewable sources
Crichton Thriller State of Fear
Separating fact from fiction in Michael Crichton's book "State of Fear" and clearing up misconceptions about the validity of global warming evidence.
Earth-Penetrating Weapons
An earth-penetrating weapon (EPW) is designed to hit the earth at high speed and penetrate into the ground before exploding.
Early Warning Signs of Global Warming: Spring Comes Earlier
Both the overall warming and the disproportionate increase in minimum temperatures have contributed to a lengthening of the warm (growing) season, especially in mid- to-high latitudes.
Abrupt Climate Change
"Abrupt climate change" describes changes in climate that occur over the span of years to decades, compared to the human-caused changes in climate that are occurring over the time span of decades to centuries.