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Understanding Scientific Terms About Climate Change
For most scientific research, scientists like to point out the level of uncertainty. Why?
Early Spring's Domino Effect
Rising temperatures on Earth are changing the climate, including the timing of spring, which is having myriad domino effects on people and the environment.
Climate Change Worsens Allergy Symptoms
Carbon dioxide increases the growth rate of many plants and increases the amount and potency of pollen. Rising temperatures extend the growing season and the duration of allergy season.
Heavy Flooding and Global Warming
Climate change increases the probability of heavy rains and flooding. This happens because warmer air holds more moisture.
The Copenhagen Accord
An analysis of the climate talks in Copenhagen detailing the pros and cons of the Copenhagen Accord.
How Solar Energy Works
A comprehensive overview of solar power technologies, benefits, costs, and more from the Union of Concerned Scientists, including rooftop solar panels, large-scale solar power plants, and how solar panels work.
The US Legislative Process
How do the laws of the land actually come to be?
Climate Science Underscores Urgent Need to Reduce Heat-trapping Emissions
Recent climate science projections indicate that global warming is happening at a faster rate than anticipated. With more CO2 in the atmosphere, increased sea-level rise, and shrinking arctic sea ice, the time for action is now.
Economic Facts Support United States Action to Curb Global Warming
Economic facts show that a comprehensive emissions reduction program will stimulate the economy by spurring investment in low-carbon technologies.
Renewable Energy and Agriculture
Renewable energy technologies tap into natural cycles and systems, turning the energy all around us into usable forms.
Hidden Costs of Industrial Agriculture
It was sold to the public as a technological miracle that would feed the world. We now know that the price is too high.
Nuclear Terrorism Overview
Could terrorists obtain nuclear weapons?