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Aerial of farm land

Climate-Friendly Land Use

Global land use system, dominated by agriculture and forestry, has inefficiencies that cause enormous waste and pose threats to our health and the global climate.
Farmer and USDA scientist looking at crops

The Healthy Farmland Diet

A shift away from commodity crops toward fruits and vegetables would be good for everybody's health—including the health of our rural environments and economies.
Graphic showing similarity in risk between nuclear plants using large and small reactors

Small Modular Reactors

Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been getting a lot of positive attention lately. But the technology's advantages may have been oversold, according to a 2013 UCS report.
Aerial view of Butler, Ohio natural gas power plant

Managing Risk in Ohio

By integrating significant renewable energy and energy efficiency into its power mix, Ohio can help protect ratepayers and gain other substantial benefits.