All reports
Ripe for Retirement (Update)
The nation's fleet of coal plants continues to become less and less economically competitive.
The Rise of Superweeds
Monsanto’s Roundup Ready products created a superweed crisis. Fortunately, science can solve it.
Workshop on U.S. Nuclear Weapons Safety and Security
Policy recommendations from experts on nuclear weapons safety and security.
A Bright Economic Future for the Mountain State
Well-known state leaders describe their visions for West Virginia in 30 years.
Climate-Friendly Land Use
Global land use system, dominated by agriculture and forestry, has inefficiencies that cause enormous waste and pose threats to our health and the global climate.
Diablo Canyon and Earthquake Risk
The NRC isn't enforcing seismic regulations at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, despite knowing the earthquake risk is larger than the plant was built to withstand.
The Healthy Farmland Diet
A shift away from commodity crops toward fruits and vegetables would be good for everybody's health—including the health of our rural environments and economies.
The Future of the US Nuclear Weapons Complex
This 2013 report takes a big picture look at the U.S. nuclear weapons program and recommends cost-effective changes to improve U.S. security.
Climate Risks of an Overreliance on Natural Gas for Electricity
Why natural gas is not a long-term solution to climate change.
Toward an Evidence-Based Fracking Debate
Communities need reliable information to make good decisions about hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") and other unconventional oil and gas development technologies.
Small Modular Reactors
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been getting a lot of positive attention lately. But the technology's advantages may have been oversold, according to a 2013 UCS report.
Managing Risk in Ohio
By integrating significant renewable energy and energy efficiency into its power mix, Ohio can help protect ratepayers and gain other substantial benefits.