The Center for Science and Democracy

Recent decades have seen increasing attacks on both science and democracy in the United States—attacks that threaten our ability to achieve a just and livable society. We founded the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists to fight back.

We work to make sure that government decisions are informed by the best possible science and evidence, free from political interference, and responsive to diverse community voices. And we put science and scientists into action to strengthen US democracy by working for more fair and inclusive elections and processes of governance.

The Power of Science + Democracy

Strong science and a strong democracy go hand in hand and reinforce each other. The best available science helps us understand and find solutions to today’s pressing problems. A strong and transparent democracy helps ensure that diverse communities can effectively advocate for policies that improve their health and well-being.

The Power of Science + Justice

For too long, unjust policies and practices have unfairly burdened many communities across the country with pollution, environmental damage, and disproportionate health impacts—harms that fall hardest on Black, brown, and low-income communities. At the same time, some powerful interests that benefit from the status quo continue to actively work to suppress, divide, and silence these communities’ voices and votes.

Bringing science and evidence-based decisionmaking to bear on the longstanding inequities in our society can help change the underlying systems and policies that drive unjust outcomes—and help guide the solutions we need to create a more just, healthy, and equitable world.

Our experts