Kristie Ellickson is a senior scientist with the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Her research focuses on the integration of the elements of cumulative risk and impacts into regulatory analyses and decisionmaking. In her role, Dr. Ellickson builds on past cumulative impacts work from her experience as a state scientist in Minnesota.
Prior to joining UCS, while working in air toxics for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, she co-developed a statewide cumulative air pollution risk model, MNRISKS, combing these results with socioeconomic data to investigate disproportionate impacts. Dr. Ellickson also reviewed air toxics dispersion modeling for permitted facilities and led a cross-media team instituted to prevent pollution from crossing from one environmental medium to another in ways that are uncontrolled and unmanaged.
Dr. Ellickson is an interdisciplinary scientist and earned a PhD in exposure science from Rutgers University’s Environmental and Occupational Health Science Institute, and a BA in chemistry from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN.