Don Anair is the Deputy Director for the Clean Transportation Program, working on state and national transportation, air quality, and global warming policy. Mr. Anair is an engineer with expertise on fuels and transportation technology covering both light and heavy-duty vehicles.
Based in UCS's Oakland office, Mr. Anair evaluates autonomous, hybrid and advanced vehicle technologies and is co-author of State of Charge and Cradle to Grave— reports which evaluate the global warming emissions and fuel cost savings of electric vehicles throughout the United States.
As part of his work on heavy-duty vehicle issues, Mr. Anair has analyzed the impact of diesel pollution on public health and air quality. He is the author of severeal reports, "Sick of Soot," "Digging Up Trouble," and "Delivering the Green," which focus on the impacts and solutions to reduce diesel emissions. He is also an advocate for diesel clean-up and greenhouse gas efforts in the state and around the country, including regulations, incentive programs, and legislation.
Mr. Anair blogs on advanced vehicle technology and freight transportation policy and technology issues.
Mr. Anair holds a bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Cornell University. As a member of Cornell's Formula Society of Automotive Engineers vehicle team, he helped design and manufacture an award winning alternative fuel race car.
Selected publications
Anair, D. 2017. Capturing the Climate Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles. Institute of Transportation Studies. University of California, Davis.
Reichmuth, D. and Don Anair. 2016. Electrifying the Vehicle Market: Evaluating Automaker Leaders and Laggards in the United States. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.
Nealer, R., Reichmith D. and Don Anair. 2015. Cleaner Cars from Cradle to Grave: How electric cars beat gasoline cars on global warming emissions. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.
Anair, D. 2012. Truck Electrification: Cutting Oil Use and Reducing Pollution. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.
Anair, D. 2012. State of Charge: Electric Vehicles’ Global Warming Emissions and Fuel Costs Savings Across the United States. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.
Anair, D. 2010. Delivering Jobs: Economic Costs and Benefits of Improving the Fuel Economy of Heavy-Duty Vehicles. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.
Anair, D. 2008. Delivering the Green: Reducing Trucks’ Climate Impacts While Saving at the Pump. Union of Concerned Scientists. Cambridge, MA.